Archive for February, 2013


February 28, 2013

Below is an overview of the betrayal of the Swedish Social Democrats since the Second World War against tha Estonians, the Latvians, and the Lithuanians based on a web article by Andres Kueng (1945 – 2002), an author, politician and famous fighter during the Cold War for liberty and independence for the Baltic States.

After the Second World War almost no social democrats could be seen on the Baltic barricades. Even during these decades some politicians supported the Baltic demands for freedom – among them party leaders like Conservatives Jarl Hjalmarsson and Carl Bildt and Liberals like Bertil Ohlin and Per Ahlmark.

Others kept quiet, not least an otherwise internationally committed politician like Olof Palme.

In the parliamentary foreign policy debate on March 16, 1983 Olof Palme accused the members of the Moderate party of …”returning to that crusading spirit aiming to ‘liberate’ Eastern Europe that prevailed in conservative groups in the West during the Cold War. According to this view one of the systems has to perish and neutrality must be immoral.” During that same debate Palme accused the Moderates of constituting a “danger to the safety of the Swedish security policy.”

The next year Palme declared in a speech to the social democrat party congress: “We are not involved in anti-Sovietism”. But since the Soviet state was the first state to be built on Communism, which in its turn meant a permanent, more or less acute threat against the peace and freedom of the rest of the world (and its own), convinced democrats should have found it equally natural to be “anti-Soviet” and “anti-Communist” as it was to be “anti-Nazi” and “anti-Fascist”.

Palme also warned against painting “devil’s pictures” and resorting to “persecution of the Soviet Union”.

In his first speech as chairman of Folkpartiet (the Liberal Party of Sweden) on October 1, 1983 Bengt Westerberg stated that:”Nothing could be more beneficial to the sake of lasting peace than the replacement of the Communist Soviet regime by a democratic government.” When Westerberg reiterated his belief in the connection between freedom and peace in a speech to the party youth organisation in January 1986, one of Palme’s collaborators, the former under-secretary of State Sverker Aström, protested and was supported by his successor Pierre Schori, an extreme leftist official in the Palme administration.

At a number of other occasions leading Swedish social democrats have criticized other politicians and creators of public opinion. During the parliamentary foreign policy debate of 1988 the then social democrat foreign policy spokesman, Sture Ericson, surprisingly attacked his collegue in the parliamentary foreign policy commission, the then Moderate MP and later party secretary Gunnar Hökmark. Hökmark had submitted a motion and written a column for a few rural papers where he argued in favour of extended links between Sweden and the Baltic states and Swedish support for the Baltic fight for freedom. The social democrat spokesman declared that Gunnar Hökmark’s opinions constituted “foreign policy madness” and “craziness that the extreme moderates naturally cultivate in the hope that it will win them a few votes from Balts in exile in the autumn elections.”

When representatives of the Popular Fronts of the three Baltic states became more and more explicit in their demands for full independence, both social democrats Sture Ericson and Pierre Schori declared that the Baltic popular fronts did not put forward this demand. In a later interview Schori added that he did not want to “contribute to any separatism there”. He and other social democrats, among them the Foreign Secretary Sten Andersson in a famous interview in the television news program Rapport on November 2, 1988, admonished the Balts to “not push it to much” and not be “impatient” (as if fifty years of genocide and oppression weren’t long enough). They should instead “co-ordinate” and co-operate” with Moscow. Easy to say, but can anyone imagine the same kind of admonitions to other peoples fighting for their freedom and national self determination?

Many people probably also remember the statements Sten Andersson made during a roundtrip in the Baltic states and Mosow during the autumn of 1989. Attention focussed on the message that “Estonia is not occupied”, a message that forced the Estonian head of government Indrek Toome, at that time a member of the Communist party, to openly renounce his Swedish guest’s claims. In Moscow Andersson said that the Soviet central power had to retain control over the use of natural resources, this despite the fact that the “singing revolution” in Estonia originated in the fear that the Soviet power would increase phosphorite production 40 times and thus destroy large parts of Estonian land, air and water.

In the short run Sten Andersson’s statements meant a setback for the Baltic fight for freedom.

Why did it take so long for the social democrats to dare beeing frank about Communist oppression in the Baltic states? And why the constant warnings and admonitions to the Balts to be careful and not push it? Why this impression of unease and discomfort rather than of joy and hope, when neighbours were in the process of liberating themselves from Communist oppression?

Some social democrats – and other “leftists” – have been unwilling to support the Balts because their cause has been regarded as “right wing”. The longing for freedom of an entire people should obviously not be regarded or depicted as a question of left or right. And educated persons should be able to make political decisions on the basis of what is right or wrong, not on the basis of who happens to say what. But all to often the importance of being seen “in the right company” is greater than the importance of supporting the right causes.

Important was the naiveté concerning Communist leaders in the East, from Stalin to Gorbachev, of the Swedish Social Democrats. Stalin‘s deputy foreign secretary, Vysjinskij, had become infamous for his role as prosecutor in the Moscow trials of the thirties, at which time he called the accused Communists “crazy dogs” that had to be exterminated. After the war he said that Raoul Wallenberg, one of the few Swedes who with his life had fought the totalitarian dictatorships of the 20th century, had not been imprisoned by the Soviet Union. When Wallenberg’s half brother and others met with foreign secretary Undén they questioned the Soviet explanation. “What?” Undén exclaimed. “Are you saying that mr Vysjinskij is a liar?” When the answer was affirmative, the otherwise very cool Undén became livid. “This is atrocious,” he sputtered, “totally incredible!” But the incredible part was that the highly educated foreign secretary found it so hard to doubt his Communist collegue. And Vysjinskij had been playing a double-game all the way from the Moscow trials to the Nazi-Communist pact and the subsequent Soviet occupation of our neighbour Latvia, an operation he personally supervised on Stalin’s behalf.

When the Balts demanded independence the Central Committe of the Soviet Communist party, lead by Gorbachev, threatened the Balts with renewed genocide. Gorbachev also sent Soviet security forces to attack unarmed civilians in Vilnius and Riga in January 1991– something he had done earlier in for example Baku and Tbilisi.

The Balts could not understand that a Communist leader, one who had let his troups use shovels and bayonets to beat unarmed women and children to death in the Georgian capital of Tbilisi in April 1989, only six months later could be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Georgian lifes were regarded as less important than his letting go of Eastern Europe.

The Polish minister of Culture said in a column in the Swedish daily Expressen that Sweden had gone too far towards socialism. Leaders of the Baltic Popular fronts, including social democrats, wanted to expand their contacts with Sweden in various ways but they feared the socialist contamination that might come of it.

Furthermore the “Swedish model” hardly could be hailed as a “golden compromise” between capitalism and Communism if Communism was to disappear from the political map of Europe. The Swedish social democrats would no longer constitute the hoped-for role model of the “third road” if a political abyss were to open to the left of them. Some people might be reluctant to stay in the movement that remained close to the abyss.

Finally, the Social democrats feared that the showdown with Eastern Communism would make people in the West aware not only of the inhuman qualities of dictatorial socialism but also of the weaknesses of democratic socialism. Even a firm democrat like the then prime minister Ingvar Carlsson wrote in a book called “Vad är socialdemokrati?” (What is social democracy) as late as 1983 that the means only – not the goals – constituted the difference between social democrats and Communists. In this book Carlsson also said:

“The Soviet Union as well as the other Eastern European countries have accomplished a rapid industrialisation and has a high GNP. There are many objections against the system in these countries but they do prove that capitalism is not the only system that is able to produce material wealth.”

Also many socialists and others did not support the Baltic fight for freedom might have been that they did not think the fight could meet with success. The moral position was made dependent on political probabilities. When at last success seemed to be possible and eventually probablethe Balts won support even from their fiercest critics and sceptics.


February 25, 2013

Kurzweil AI on February 18, 2013, reported that the Obama administration is planning a decade-long scientific effort to examine the workings of the human brain and build a comprehensive map of its activity, seeking to do for the brain what the Human Genome Project did for genetics, The New York Times reports. Excerpts below:

The project, which the administration has been looking to unveil as early as March, will include federal agencies, private foundations, and teams of neuroscientists and nanoscientists in a concerted effort to advance the knowledge of the brain’s billions of neurons and gain greater insights into perception, actions and, ultimately, consciousness.

Scientists with the highest hopes for the project also see it as a way to develop the technology essential to understanding diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, as well as to find new therapies for a variety of mental illnesses.

Moreover, the project holds the potential of paving the way for advances in artificial intelligence.

The project, which could ultimately cost billions of dollars, is expected to be part of the president’s budget proposal next month. And, four scientists and representatives of research institutions said they had participated in planning for what is being called the Brain Activity Map project [apparently a planned but unannounced NIH project].

In his State of the Union address, President Obama cited brain research as an example of how the government should “invest in the best ideas.”

Scientists involved in the planning said they hoped that federal financing for the project would be more than $300 million a year, which if approved by Congress would amount to at least $3 billion over the 10 years. The Human Genome Project cost $3.8 billion.

One possibility is to build a complete model map of brain activity by creating fleets of molecule-size machines to noninvasively act as sensors to measure and store brain activity at the cellular level. The proposal envisions using synthetic DNA as a storage mechanism for brain activity.

The initiative will be organized by the Office of Science and Technology Policy, according to scientists who have participated in planning meetings.

The National Institutes of Health, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the National Science Foundation will also participate in the project, the scientists said, as will private foundations like the Howard Hughes Medical Institute in Chevy Chase, Md., and the Allen Institute for Brain Science in Seattle.


February 24, 2013

Fox News on February 23, 2013, published a report on buzz building about a planned 2018 private mission to Mars, which may launch the first humans toward the Red Planet. Excerpts below:

A nonprofit organization called the Inspiration Mars Foundation — which is led by millionaire Dennis Tito , the world’s first space tourist — will hold a news conference on Feb. 27, 2013, to announce the 501-day roundtrip mission, which will aim for a January 2018 launch.

“This ‘Mission for America’ will generate new knowledge, experience and momentum for the next great era of space exploration,” Inspiration Mars officials wrote in a media advisory yesterday (Feb. 20). “It is intended to encourage all Americans to believe again, in doing the hard things that make our nation great, while inspiring youth through Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education and motivation.”

Tito made history in 2001, plunking down a reported $20 million for an eight-day trip to the International Space Station aboard a Russian Soyuz spacecraft.

‘A crewed free-return Mars mission would fly by Mars, but not go into orbit around the planet or land on it.’

Tito will participate in the Feb. 27 news conference. So will Taber MacCallum and Jane Poynter, CEO and president, respectively, of Paragon Space Development Corp., which has expertise in life-support systems; and space-medicine expert Jonathan Clark of the Baylor College of Medicine.

The speakers’ backgrounds and the lofty goals articulated in the media advisory have led some people to speculate that Inspiration Mars is planning a manned mission to the Red Planet. And it looks like that may be the case, according to some media reports.

On March 3, Tito will give a talk called “Feasibility Analysis for a Manned Mars Free Return Mission in 2018” at an aerospace conference in Montana, the NewSpace Journal reported Thursday, Feb. 21.

The NewSpace Journal says it obtained a copy of the paper Tito plans to present in Montana and gives a summary of its main thrust.

The mission would be privately financed and cheaper than previous estimates for manned Mars efforts, the NewSpace Journal adds, though no overall cost is given.

The purported involvement of California-based SpaceX is not a huge surprise, as company founder Elon Musk has repeatedly stressed his desire to help humanity reach and eventually colonize Mars . Indeed, SpaceX has been developing a mission concept called “Red Dragon,” which would use its Dragon capsule to send astronauts to the Red Planet.


February 21, 2013

Svenska Dagbladet, Stockholm, den 20 februari 2013 recenserade Christoph Anderssons nya bok Operation Norrsken. Om Stasi och Sverige under kalla kriget (324 s. Norstedts, 2013). En planerad östtysk smutskastning av Sverige kom av sig när Stasi började uppskatta Olof Palme. Christoph Anderssons nya bok har mycket att lära oss om umgänget med en diktatur. Se utdrag nedan:

Under 1970-talet fanns inom svensk vänster en förmildrande syn på de kommunistiska länderna i det dåvarande östblocket. Många hade en vag uppfattning om att folken i dessa länder – trots att de inte uppnått Västeuropas nivå av välstånd och yttrandefrihet – bara hade valt en annan väg mot ett bättre samhälle. Men det fanns saker som allvarligt störde denna positiva bild. Ett sådant exempel var att en av dessa öststater – DDR – hade tvingats stänga in sina egna medborgare med en mur för att inte tömmas på folk.

För den som fortfarande har kvar illusioner om ”arbetar- och bondestaten” DDR är Christoph Anderssons bok ”Operation Norrsken” mycket nyttig läsning. Här målar Sveriges Radio-journalisten Andersson upp bilden av en skurkstat, som inte bara försökte låsa in sitt eget folk utan också illegalt sålde vapen till vem som helst, sände ut desinformationskampanjer och spionerade på allt och alla – oberoende av om det handlade om den egna befolkningen eller omvärlden.

Boken visar att en ganska välvillig syn på Östtyskland under 70-talet också växte fram hos Socialdemokraterna, som ju historiskt annars hade fjärmat sig från kommunister. Detta var något som den östtyska säkerhetstjänsten lade märke till. I hemlighet hade Stasi tidigare arbetat med en bok som skulle smutskasta Sverige. Vårt land skulle framstå som en vindflöjel som låtsades neutralitet, men i själva verket lydde USA och Nato. Man skulle också sprida bilden av svensk följsamhet gentemot nazisterna under andra världskriget. Men boken kom aldrig ut, utan låstes in i ett kassaskåp. Stasi hade nämligen börjat uppskatta Sveriges nye statsminister Olof Palme, som man tyckte verkade ha en bättre attityd gentemot DDR.

Och kanske hittar man denna mer välvilliga inställning i det faktum att den dåvarande S-regeringen i mitten av 80-talet gav tillstånd för export av högtryckspressar från Asea till DDR. Det handlade om maskiner som skulle användas för att tillverka tonhuvuden för bandspelare – men som också kunde användas för framställning av kärnvapen. Att regeringen utgick från att det var tillräckligt att skriftligen förmana DDR att inte använda pressarna till sådan produktion eller att sälja vidare dem till ett tredje land, tyder på en stor portion godtrogenhet, för att inte säga ansvarslöshet.

”Operation Norrsken” visar också upp svenskt näringsliv från dess sämsta sida.

Boken ger oss också exempel på Stasis svenska aktiviteter förutom vapenhandel. Det handlade till exempel om placeringen av spioner i Sverige, allt för att få kunskap om den svenska synen på DDR, men också för att påverka Sverige i ”rätt” riktning. Stasi var långsiktigt i sitt arbete. En ung teologistudent skickades exempelvis till Sverige för att spionera, blev efter en tid prästvigd och till slut professor. Under alla år rapporterade han till Stasi. Ingen uppgift var för liten för att notera och arkivera.

En annan pikant historia är Stasis desinformationskampanj om aids; sjukdomen skulle ha skapats i ett amerikanskt laboratorium i syfte att ta fram ett biologiskt vapen. Stasis fabricerade ”sanning” övertygade exempelvis den svenske filmaren Roy Andersson – som fick uppdraget att göra en informationsfilm om aids åt Socialstyrelsen.


February 20, 2013

BBC News on February 19, 2013, reported that a secretive branch of China’s military is probably one of the world’s “most prolific cyber espionage groups”, a US cyber security firm has said. Excerpts below:

The firm, Mandiant, said Unit 61398 was believed to have “systematically stolen hundreds of terabytes of data” from at least 141 organisations around the world.

The White House said it has taken its concerns about cyber-theft to the highest levels of China’s government.

In an indication of the military sensitivity around the Shanghai site, the BBC’s John Sudworth and his camera crew were briefly detained by soldiers when they went to film the facility. They were only released once they had handed over their footage.

In its unusually detailed report, US-based computer security company Mandiant said it had investigated hundreds of data breaches since 2004, most of which it attributed to what it termed “Advanced Persistent Threat” actors.

The scale of the Chinese hacking alleged by the computer security firm Mandiant is striking. Until now the bulk of this hacking has been a digital version of old-fashioned industrial espionage – stealing designs and company secrets.

But there is a more sinister side to this activity as well. Chinese hackers are alleged to have a growing interest in gaining access to key parts of the US infrastructure – gas lines, power grids and waterworks. President Barack Obama himself warned during his recent State of the Union address that the nature of the cyber threat was changing.

Gaining access to critical systems is the key. Once inside the digital perimeter – especially if the intrusion is not identified, there is the possibility of causing real physical damage to the infrastructure that the computers control.

The details it had uncovered, it said, “convince us that the groups conducting these activities are based primarily in China and that the Chinese government is aware of them”.

The firm said it had traced the hacking activities of APT1 to the site of 12-storey building in the Pudong area of Shanghai. It said that Unit 61398 of the People’s Liberation Army “is also located in precisely the same area” and that the actors had similar “missions, capabilities and resources”.

Among the findings about APT1 in the report were that it:
• is staffed by hundreds, possibly thousands, of proficient English speakers with advanced computer security and networking skills
• has hacked into 141 companies across 20 industries, 87% based in English-speaking countries, and is able to steal from dozens of networks simultaneously
• has stolen hundreds of terabytes of information including blueprints, business plans, pricing documents, user credentials, emails and contact lists
• stayed inside hacked networks for an average of 356 days, with the longest lasting 1,764 days
• targeted industries identified by China as strategically important under its Five Year Plan for economic growth
Unit 61398 has for some time been suspected by the US of being central to China’s cyber espionage programme, the New York Times reports.

Several governments, foreign companies and organisations have said in the past they suspect China of carrying out extensive cyber espionage over periods of several years.


February 16, 2013

Det var nordkoreanska avhoppare i Sydkorea som använt heliumballonger och endollarsedlar för att sprida ett regimkritiskt budskap över den hårt bevakade gränsen, skriver nyhetsbyrån AP. Aktionen ägde rum på den framlidne ledaren Kim Jong Ils födelsedag.

På ballongerna fanns slagord som “Stoppa provocerande missil- och kärnvapentester”, “Nordkoreaner – stå upp!” och “Kimdynastin kommer snart kollapsa”.

Nordkorea har tidigare hotat med ett “skoningslöst militärt anfall” som svar på regimkritiska flygblad.

Ballongaktionen ägde rum mindre än en vecka efter att Nordkorea genomförde landets tredje kärnvapentest.

Diktatorn Kim Jong Il avled i en hjärtattack i december 2011 och ersattes sin son, Kim Jong Un. Båda ledarnas födelsedagar är helgdagar som firas i Nordkorea.


February 15, 2013

Voice of America on February 14, 2013, reported that South Korea showed off a new cruise missile on that defense officials say has the ability to strike “anywhere at anytime” in North Korea. Excerpts below:

Seoul’s military is on a heightened state of alert after North Korea’s latest nuclear test, which prompted international condemnation and raised tensions on the Korean peninsula.

Defense Ministry spokesperson Kim Min-seok touted the pinpoint accuracy of the missile, which he says has now been officially deployed.

“The cruise missile we will show the public today is an extremely accurate weapon that can target precise targets – such as windows of a North Korean command office – anywhere in the Korean peninsula. It is extremely destructive and powerful and will restrict the enemy in case South Korea is threatened.”

South Korea reached a deal last year with the United States to expand the range of its ballistic missiles – a move Seoul says is necessary to counter the growing threat of Pyongyang’s weapons.

The White House says the two leaders are working together to seek strong action against North Korea at the United Nations Security Council, which has already unanimously condemned the test.


February 14, 2013

The recent poll has been published by the IWP in Kyiv, Ukraine. Nearly 30 professionals took part in the study. Alyona Getmanchuk, director of the Institute of World Politicy, and Sergiy Solodkyy, deputy director of IWP has held a public presentation of expert poll about the first outcomes of president Viktor Yanukovych’s foreign policy. Among the participants: Zbigniew Brzezinski (USA), James Sherr (UK), Steven Pifer (USA), Philippe Moreau Defages (France), and Marcin Wojciechowski (Poland) and others. Excerpts below:

Over the past few months, there were a lot of discussions about the foreign policy of Viktor Yanukovych. The new government is tirelessly emphasizing that its priority is European integration of Ukraine and that developing relations good between Ukraine and Russia, from its point of view, is positively perceived not only in Moscow but also in Western capitals. The Institute of World Policy attempted to find out about, how to actually assess the foreign policy of Viktor Yanukovych not only in Ukraine but also abroad by polling experts. The specifics of this study are that we first selected and interviewed both Ukrainian and foreign experts who specialize in Ukrainian affairs.

1. What are the key achievements and failures you have noticed in the foreign policy of President Viktor Yanukovych?

A simple calculation of errors and achievements in foreign policy, which drew attention of the experts polled by the Institute of World Politics, showed that there are more shortcomings in the activity of President Viktor Yanukovych than achievements.

However, the most paradoxical is that the main achievement noted by the foreign policy experts is what Yanukovych did not do: that Ukraine will not join the CSTO, that Ukraine will not become part of the Customs Union, and that Ukraine does not recognize the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

The overwhelming majority of the experts called Yanukovych`s rejection of integration into NATO and signing of Kharkiv agreements on cheaper gas in exchange for the Russian fleet staying in Ukraine as his gravest foreign policy mistake. Some polled experts summarized this point by indicating that Viktor Yanukovych leads an unbalanced, pro-Russian foreign policy, which may strengthen strategic risks to Ukraine.

Experts insist that Yanukovych should not have proposed to the Parliament a law, which fixes the neutral status of Ukraine.

The speed of improving the relations with Russia is mistake. This make bad impression, that Yanukovych is under the pressure of Kremlin. The big plus for Yanukovych is more stable, more predictable policy. We know that most important for official Kiev is to improve the relations with Russia, we know, that in the other way Yanukovych doesn’t want to destroy relations with Brussels.

The biggest achievement of Yanukovych is his holding on the course of European integration.

Ukraine obtained an opportunity to buy gas at a less expensive rate. But this is a tactical rather than a strategic gain. After some time, Russia might be forced to raise prices again anyways.

Ukrainian strategic dependency on Russia has increased, with the likelihood that it will increase even more over the mid-term.

There are rumors in the West that Yanukovych plans to control Ukraine’s free press.

The biggest loss is a long-term presence of the Russian Federation’s Black Sea Fleet. It is a potent threat to sovereignty of Ukraine.


February 13, 2013

Fox News on February 12, 2013, published an AP report on President Barack Obama signing an executive order Tuesday aimed at helping protect the computer networks of crucial American industries from cyberattacks and prodded Congress to enact legislation that would go even further. Excerpts below:

Senior administration officials said Obama’s order calls for the development of voluntary standards to protect the computer systems that run critical sectors of the economy like the banking, power and transportation industries. It also directs U.S. defense and intelligence agencies to share classified threat data with those companies.

The president said America’s enemies are “seeking the ability to sabotage our power grid, our financial institutions and our air traffic control systems. We cannot look back years from now and wonder why we did nothing in the face of real threats to our security and our economy.”

Obama’s executive order has been months in the making and is the product of often difficult negotiations with private sector companies that oppose any increased government regulation.

While largely symbolic, the plan leaves practical questions unanswered: Should a business be required to tell the government if it’s been hacked and U.S. interests are at stake? Can you sue your bank or water treatment facility if those companies don’t take reasonable steps to protect you? And if a private company’s systems are breached, should the government swoop in to stop the attacks — and pick up the tab?

Under the president’s new order, the National Institute of Standards and Technology has a year to finalize a package of voluntary standards and procedures that will help companies address their cybersecurity risks.

Officials will also come up with incentives the government can use to encourage companies to meet the standards, and the Pentagon will have four months to recommend whether cybersecurity standards should be considered when the department makes contracting decisions.

Congress has been struggling for more than three years to reach a consensus on cybersecurity legislation.

The cyberthreat to the U.S. has been heavily debated since the 1990s, when much of American commerce shifted online and critical systems began to rely increasingly on networked computers. Security experts began to warn of looming disaster, including threats that terrorists could cut off a city’s water supply or shut down electricity. But what’s emerged in recent years, according to cyber experts, is the constant pilfering of America’s intellectual property by U.S. competitors.

The U.S. has been preparing a new intelligence estimate that details cyber espionage as a growing economic problem. One official told The Associated Press last week that the estimate was expected to cite more directly a role by the Chinese government and favor aggressive action against the Chinese government. The official was not authorized to discuss the classified report and spoke only on condition of anonymity.

The report is expected to expand on a November 2011 report by U.S. intelligence agencies that accused Russia and China of systematically stealing American high-tech data for their own economic gain. China has denied the claims.


February 11, 2013

Chefredaktören Paulina Neuding skrev i Svenska Dagbladet den 9 februari 2013 en välkommen artikel om vänsterns hot och hat på nätet. Ett urval återges nedan:

Näthat, kan jag meddela, drabbar även kvinnor som inte är vänster. Det är likheten. Den slående skillnaden är att hatet från vänster ofta letar sig in i etablerade sammanhang.

Förra sommaren skojade vänstertidskriften Galago om att man skulle skjuta Per Gudmundson, ledarskribent på SvD. När SvD gjorde en JK-anmälan hånades Gudmundson som lättkränkt. Simon Fors, som sitter i kommun- respektive landstingsfullmäktige för Vänsterpartiet i Pajala och Norrbotten, skrev på Twitter: ”Alla tänkande människor förespråkar väl Per Gudmundsons avrättning?”

Sajten Vita kränkta män hänger regelmässigt ut och hånar män som inte anses vara tillräckligt jämställda eller vänster. Denna sajt och dess upphovsman hyllas i etablerade medier som skojig och progressiv.

Kollegan Johanne Hildebrandt, också kolumnist på den här sidan, hotas med att hon ska våldtas och dödas. Hon berättar att näthatarna blir mer aktiva varje gång Åsa Linderborg eller Jan Guillou på Aftonbladet attackerar henne som krigshetsare.

”Hatet från vänster är värst,” sade hon när vi sågs i veckan. ”Man ser det som att man har ett moraliskt företräde, att man kan vräka ur sig vad som helst.”

Så ser hatet från vänster ut.