Archive for March, 2012


March 31, 2012

In a speech reported by Telegraph of London on March, 28, UK Prime Minister Cameron said:

Just as these principles guiding reform are simply, so are the reasons driving it. State bureaucracy has proved too clumsy and inefficient, stifling the innovation we need at a time when value for money is so critical. I also have an instinctive belief that parents, patients and professionals are so much better equipped to make the choices that will drive improvements in our public services. Give the power to them, allow new providers to come forward with new ideas, and good things will happen.

This was the vision at the heart of the Open Public Services White Paper which we published last summer.

But there is more to do if we are to realise our vision of truly open public services. So today, as we publish our update to the White Paper, we are taking three new, radical steps. First, we are announcing an independent review that will specifically look at how we can extend choice to the most disadvantaged in our society. This means making sure that everyone has access to the information and support they need to make a choice, and that if they want to complain, they know how to go about it. Where we find this information and support is missing, we will act.

Second, we are publishing draft legislation that would enshrine in law the right to choice. This means if your mother needs hospital treatment, or your child is about to start school, you will get a choice over where they go. And if that choice doesn’t exist, or you’re not happy with it, you will have a way to get your complaint listened to and resolved. If as an outpatient you are unfairly denied the choice of appointment, you will be able to have that decision overruled. And if you are a new provider who believes you can offer a better service, you will have a way to break through the state monopoly and allow the user, not the bureaucrat, to be your judge and jury.

Third, we are going to consult on making it easier to set up neighbourhood councils. It has been too difficult for people to come together and have a say in how services are designed, prioritised and delivered in their local community. In fact, some local authorities have been guilty of the same kind of top-down bureaucracy that has been the Achilles’ heel of central government. I want us to really turn the tables so that people have a genuine opportunity to take responsibility for their neighbourhood services. Together with our plans to work with a range of consumer organisations to enable them to champion and enforce choice and competition in public services, these steps will change the way our public services are delivered – and the way our country is run.

Nearly two years on from coming into office, brick by brick, edifice by edifice, we are slowly dismantling the big-state structures we inherited from the last government.


March 29, 2012

The journal Weekly Standard on March 27, 2012, warned that the US Democratic secretary of defense predicts America will have its “smallest ground force since 1940, the smallest number of ships since 1915, and the smallest Air Force in its history.” Excerpts below:

The Republican Study Committee has released its own budget.

This budget puts the mainstream Republican party squarely in line with the party’s Reaganesque tradition of peace through strength.

In an address to the nation in March 1983, President Ronald Reagan told the nation that the budget he had recently submitted to Congress “has been trimmed to the limits of safety. Further deep cuts cannot be made without seriously endangering the security of the nation. The choice is up to the men and women you’ve elected to the Congress, and that means the choice is up to you.”

As Joint Chiefs chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey recently told Congress, “In my personal military judgment, formed over 38 years, we are living in the most dangerous time in my lifetime right now.” Let’s hope they choose wisely and that voters hold them accountable in November if they fail to defend defense.


March 28, 2012

Amerikansk konservatism är i dag bland annat präglad av en idériktning, som började ta fart på 1970-talet: neokonservatism. Det var en antikommunistisk riktning inom den amerikanska liberalismen, som börjat tröttna på rörelsens alltmer fogliga och accepterande inställning till kommunismen, då det kalla kriget pågick för fullt. De neokonservativa stödde Reagan 1980 och kom också att återfinnas i hans bägge administrationer. Efter Sovjetunionens kollaps förvandlades de mot bakgrund av en skarp kritik av Clintons utrikespolitik till en viktig del av den konservativa rörelsen. De var inte längre före detta missnöjda liberaler utan konservativa som ideologiskt skiljde sig från de mer klassiskt konservativa. Dessa kom i allt större utsträckning att bli isolationister och förlorade mycket av sitt inflytande. För många kom Nixons förre talskrivare Patrick J. Buchanan att bli en talesman men långtifrån alla har som denne lämnat huvudfåran. Ett växande inflytande har protestantiska evangelikerna uppnått, alla starka understödjare av Israel i den amerikanska Mellanösternpolitiken. Deras antal är stort och de är centrala väljare i varje val. Uppskattningen av deras antal skiftar men en vanlig siffra som nämns är 50 miljoner.


March 28, 2012

Fox News on March 27, 2012, published an AP report on the U.S. Senate panel that oversees foreign policy is calling on China to cease what it describes as repressive policies targeting Tibetans. Excerpts below:

A resolution approved Tuesday mourns at least 19 Tibetans who have died in self-immolations over the past year to protest Chinese rule.

The Senate Committee on Foreign Relations also called on the U.S. government to seek from China a full accounting of monks forcibly removed from the Kirti Buddhist monastery, which has been a center of protests in an ethnic Tibetan region of southwest China.

The nonbinding resolution now goes to the full Senate for approval.


March 27, 2012

Tidningen Expressen, Stockholm, publicerade den 26 mars 2012 en skarp vidräkning av skådespelaren Ulf Brunnberg med kulturvänstereliten i den centrala zonen i Sverige. De offentliga kulturinstitutionerna är en skyddad verkstad med låga eller obefintliga krav. Riksteatern har en inkompetent styrelse som har kört i botten under många år. Brunnberg hade som borgerlig hoppats att den borgerliga regeringen sedan 2006 skulle ha gjort upp med stagnationen på kulturområdet. Det krävs mer professionalism inom kulturpolitiken och att man inser att man agerar på en marknad.

Brunnbergs viktiga slutsats är att kulturvänstern har utvecklats från en revolutionsrörelse med omstörtande syften till en bakåtsträvande rörelse som bara vill parasitera på andra och inte klarar av att lämna någon motpresentation.

Kommentar: Man kan bara hoppas att regeringen och kulturministern agerar. Det finns många inom kulturvänstern som parasiterar och utnyttjar statliga bidrag på samma gamla sätt som skedde under vänstervågens 1970-tal.


March 26, 2012

Under det kalla kriget ansåg (s) att socialdemokrater var de enda tillåtna antikommunisterna. Övervakning av SÄPO användes som ett politiskt instrument mot borgerliga antikommunister, som krävde en kritisk inställning till Sovjetdiktaturen. Efter Berlinmurens fall och Sovjets kollaps framstod det som särskilt förkastligt att övervaka borgerliga antikommunister. De hade ju hela tiden haft rätt i att Sovjet var en diktatur på lerfötter som förföljde och fängslade regimmotståndare.

Efter 1991 arbetade vänsterinriktade opinionsmakare på att media i Sverige skulle fokusera på SÄPO-övervakningen av odemokratiska kommunister. Man lyckades faktiskt också få (s)-regeringen att 1997 betala ut ett rekordskadestånd till kommunisten Torsten Leander (400 000 kr). Orsaken var att han på grund av personalkontroll förlorat en tillfällig anställning vid ett marinmuseum efter en kort tids övervakning. Skadeståndet till Leander kan jämföras med mitt skadestånd som borgerlig antikommunist från JK (oktober 2009), 35 000 kr, för en livslång registrering av SÄPO.

Det är på tiden att media fokuserar mer på den politiska övervakningen av borgerliga antikommunister. Det finns också ett behov av att höja skadestånden för brott mot Europakonventionen och mänskliga rättigheter (i mitt fall bröt staten mot fyra artiklar i konventionen). Det låga beloppet jag ersatts med betyder ca 1 000 kr per år av övervakning. De låga skadestånden för brott mot mänskliga rättigheter av (s)-regeringar sedan 1945 är orimliga för en rättsstat. Leander fick dock 400 000 kr efter att ha förlorat ett mål vid domstolen i Strasbourg. Men storleken av skadeståndet bör vara normgivande.

(s) är skyldigt de drabbade borgerliga antikommunisterna en ursäkt. Carl Persson, en dåvarande rikspolischef, har hävdat att det var (s)-regeringarna som fattade alla beslut om åsiktsregistrering. Det hade Persson fått besked om sedan man inom (s) förklarat sig ha tröttnat på att SÄPO fick skulden för åsiktsregistreringen. Nuvarande utrikesministern Carl Bildt har också i media förklarat att det finns mycket material i säkerhetstjänsternas register om honom. Det var inte bara det borgerliga fotfolket som registrerades.

Denna text har också publicerats som insändare i dagstidningen Norrköpings Tidningar.


March 25, 2012

From 1708 Sweden was the Protector Country of Ukraine. The knights, the political elite, of that country were according to Hetman Pylyp Orlyk, foreign in origin. They were Sarmatians. The original name was the Khazars (Cosari in Latin). The first Ukrainian Cossack historians stressed the Khazar origins of the latter.

The Orlyk Constitution has a special chapter warning the hetmans of Ukraine not to establish the absolutum dominium (in Ukrainian samoderzavie). The capital city should be Kyiv. The kings of Sweden would continue to protect Ukraine from her foes and ensure Ukrainian representation at all international treaties.


March 25, 2012

Svenska Dagbladet presenterade i ett ledarstick den 25 mars 2012 boken Hatets och illviljans kolportörer – Om mediebilden av näringslivets opinionsbildning 1970-2012 (Timbro) av Lars Anders Johansson som bidrar med en läsning om hur vänstern tappade mark och opinionsbildning blev var och ens rättighet. För utdrag se nedan:

Borgerlighetens främsta lärdom bör vara att varje gång den accepterar vänsterns premisser och problemformuleringar, kan den omöjligen vinna. Det går inte att med bibehållen värdighet vinna en debatt om rättvisa när vänstern fått definiera den. Rättvisa som lika utfall är något helt annat än rättvisa definierad som lika spelregler och lika rättigheter för alla.

Den pågående historieskrivningen visar att det alltid är personer som gör skillnad. Tack vare exempelvis Sture Eskilsson och Hans L Zetterberg definieras borgerliga värderingar inte längre bara som negativet till vänstern. Snarare handlar det om insikten att samhället aldrig blir färdigt.


March 25, 2012

Kristianstadsbladet publicerade den 5 oktober 2010 en insändare som aktualiserade kommunismens brott, en fråga som fortsätter att vara betydelsefull i historieskrivningen tack vare framstående svenska historiker och författare som Per Ahlmark.

Hur kan det komma sig att S samarbetade med det tungt belastade V inför årets val? Vänsterpartiets partivänner runt om i världen har inte varit särskilt demokratiska 1917 – 1989.

Här nedan en sammanställning av kommunismens offer sedan 1917:

ºSovjetunionen: 57 miljoner offer.

ºEuropa: 6 miljoner offer.

ºAsien: 38, 985 miljoner offer.

ºLatinamerika: 128 000 offer.

ºAfrika: 1,2 miljoner offer.

ºSumma: 103 313 000.

Senare utredningar har visat att antalet offer för kommunismen förmodligen ligger på mellan 150 och 200 miljoner. Under Maos Det Stora Språnget i Kina anses numera antalet offer vara 45 miljoner.

Källa: Bertil Häggmans “Den kommunistiska förintelsen – den internationella kommunismens offer sedan 1917” (1982).


March 25, 2012

AP on March 23, 2012, reported that the pontiff made the comment to reporters during his long flight to Mexico, the first stop in his six-day tour. While it was in keeping with the Vatican’s position, it was an unexpectedly blunt statement to come just days before he will be on Cuban soil.

Benedict said it is “evident that Marxist ideology as it was conceived no longer responds to reality,” and exhorted Cubans to “find new models, with patience, and in a constructive way.”

Asked about reports of harassment and detention of dissidents on the island, Benedict said the church wants “to help in the spirit of dialogue to avoid trauma and to help bring about a just and fraternal society.”

Many Cubans have opened small businesses and are farming previously state-held land. It is now legal for all islanders to buy and sell homes and cars.

Reaction to Benedict’s comments in South Florida, where some Cuban-Americans have criticized the pontiff’s trip, was mixed.

“I’m very optimistic that the Pope’s words and actions will have a great impact on the Cuban people that will lead to political change,” said Andy S. Gomez, a senior fellow at the University at Miami’s Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, who is traveling to Cuba as part of a church delegation.

Former U.S. Rep. Lincoln Diaz-Balart, a Cuban-American and staunch opponent of the Cuban government, said he would reserve judgment about the pope’s visit for now, but criticized the role of the Roman Catholic Church has played in Cuba. Last week, Havana Cardinal Jaime Ortega asked state security to remove 13 dissidents from a church they had occupied to press Benedict to raise their complaints with the Cuban government.

Diaz-Balart said the pope should meet with representatives of the island’s small but vocal dissident community — something that Benedict does not plan to do.

AP on March 23, 2012, reported that the pontiff made the comment to reporters during his long flight to Mexico, the first stop in his six-day tour. While it was in keeping with the Vatican’s position, it was an unexpectedly blunt statement to come just days before he will be on Cuban soil.

Benedict said it is “evident that Marxist ideology as it was conceived no longer responds to reality,” and exhorted Cubans to “find new models, with patience, and in a constructive way.”

Asked about reports of harassment and detention of dissidents on the island, Benedict said the church wants “to help in the spirit of dialogue to avoid trauma and to help bring about a just and fraternal society.”

Many Cubans have opened small businesses and are farming previously state-held land. It is now legal for all islanders to buy and sell homes and cars.

Reaction to Benedict’s comments in South Florida, where some Cuban-Americans have criticized the pontiff’s trip, was mixed.

“I’m very optimistic that the Pope’s words and actions will have a great impact on the Cuban people that will lead to political change,” said Andy S. Gomez, a senior fellow at the University at Miami’s Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, who is traveling to Cuba as part of a church delegation.

Former U.S. Rep. Lincoln Diaz-Balart, a Cuban-American and staunch opponent of the Cuban government, said he would reserve judgment about the pope’s visit for now, but criticized the role of the Roman Catholic Church has played in Cuba. Last week, Havana Cardinal Jaime Ortega asked state security to remove 13 dissidents from a church they had occupied to press Benedict to raise their complaints with the Cuban government.

Diaz-Balart said the pope should meet with representatives of the island’s small but vocal dissident community — something that Benedict does not plan to do.